Tom Mullica is a magician, clown, ventriloquist and pantomimist.
Tom enlisted in the Army at age 18, serving 3 years in Korea and Germany. After getting out of the Army he moved to Colon, Michigan, where he built illusions and demonstrated magic for Abbott's Magic Company. Tom then moved to Atlanta, Georgia where he attended bartending school and opened his own nightclub called The Tom-foolery Magic Bar Theatre which lasted from 1976 to 1987.
He has appeared on television many times including Late Night with David Letterman and World's Greatest Magic.
Red Skelton visited the Tom-foolery in 1980 and they became fast friends. He asked Red for his advice after wanted to move on and Red suggested that Tom take 10-15 minutes of his best material and perform it pantomime to music. He said he would be able to work any place in the world because there would be no language barrier. Tom took Red's advice and after six months of rehearsal moved to Paris, France where he worked at the world famous Crazy Horse Saloon.
Tom returned to the United States in 1991 and continued his comedy magic career. In 1996, he began writing RED SKELTON (A Performance Tribute) which he now performs in theaters throughout America and Canada.
Tom is also the CEO of Van Blaine Productions.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Tom Mullica - Eating cigarettes
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
6 Secrets to Winning "Rock, Paper, Scissors"
We play Rock, Paper, Scissors in our house daily. Whether we are deciding who gets to choose a restaurant, who has to unload the dishwasher or who gets the remote control, we all agree on one thing: We respect the winner of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
If you are unfamiliar with this little game, here are the rules: Scissors cuts paper, rock crushes scissors, and paper covers (beats) rock. Winner is best out of three rounds. If you would like to see the hand motions for playing, you can watch the videos below.
Until recently, I always thought this was game of luck, but it isn't , it is a game of skill. Shhh… don't tell anyone in my family this information. They are all wondering how I could've suddenly become the Rock, Paper, Scissors champion.
Here are 6 secrets. When used simultaneously, I have found that they yield an 80% chance of a win, and a 90% chance of confusing your competitor.
It is all about psychology.
1. Know your opponent. As you will see in the video below, studies show that women start the game using scissors 60% – 80% of the time (much more than men). If you playing against a woman, use the rock more frequently. Some people believe that if you use rock 66% of the time or more, you will win against an amateur with ease. I cannot verify this with personal experience.
2. Wiggle your hand right before you play to psyche out your opponent into thinking you are going to play something different. For example, make a quick scissors hand gesture right before you actually play a paper (because he will play rock, thinking you were going to play scissors).
3. Most rookie men will start the game by using rock. So, knowing that info, if you are playing against him, use paper first.
4. Sometimes people will use the rock, paper or scissors twice in a row, but almost never will they use it three times in a row. If your opponent uses something twice, you can anticipate that his third will not be whatever that was and play accordingly.
5. Most people develop subconscious rock, paper, scissors patterns. They use the same ones in almost the same order frequently. If possible, study your opponent playing someone else before you play him, that way, you can learn the pattern.
6. Last but not least, this secret is really good if you have won the first game out of three. Most rookie players will subconsciously play whatever just beat them. If you just beat someone using rock, then play paper next because they will most likely play rock. I have found from experience that this one works almost every time.
I hope that you use these tips to kick some serious Rock, Paper, Scissors butt! Good Luck!
This is a great Bud Light 30 second commercial using Rock, Paper, Scissors:
wordpress. tip
Monday, 18 October 2010
Top Photos Taken At Right Place Right Time
right place,
right time,
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Models in X-ray Films
I always wanted to buy those X-Ray glasses out of the back of comic books. Now there is no need! Japanese monitor maker Eizo has released a pin-up calendar of provocative X-ray images where see-through models are posed in highly suggestive poses. They was not trying to create social commentary. It says it just wanted to catch people's attention. Models in the X-ray films are sexy models but what we see is their sexy poses, we cannot tell whether they really looks sexy or pretty because every lady looks about the same in X-ray photos. OK, I admit I wish I had the actual photos of the models themselves to compare and contrast ... in the name of science, of course :)

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